Coaliția formată din PSD, PNL și UDMR ar fi decis, sâmbătă, datele alegerilor prezidențiale din 2025. Astfel, primul tur ar urma să aibă loc pe 23 martie, finala pentru Cotroceni fiind programată două săptămâni mai târziu, pe 6 aprilie. Potrivit Libertatea, coaliția a stabilit în ședința de sâmbătă, 28 decembrie, calendarul alegerilor prezidențiale din 2025, adică reluarea de la zero a scrutinului anulat în finalul acestui an. ...
The main conceptual idea of the text is that the Romanian presidential elections in 2025 will coincide with important matches for the Romanian national football team, both in the preliminary rounds and the play-off stages of their qualifying campaign.
This overlap presents a potential conflict of interest, as the election period may influence public attention and political discourse surrounding the team's performance.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that the Romanian presidential elections in 2025 will coincide with important matches for the Romanian national football team, both in the preliminary rounds and the play-off stages of their qualifying campaign. This overlap presents a potential conflict of interest, as the election period may influence public attention and political discourse surrounding the team's performance.